Friday, June 27, 2008

Ahhh Summer

Well, summer is in full swing here. Been playing in our backyard with the sprinkler and our baby pool - trying to stay cool with 100+ temps last week. We have a nice little cool down this week, only in the 90s. But we are really enjoying the nice weather. That is the positive side of living in the desert...lots and lots of sunny days.

Fiona is walking up a storm - even "jogging" I would call it. I think she will be talking English soon. Right now she talks all day long, but we really can't understand her yet. She does the cutest thing when she answers yes...instead of saying "yes" she crinkles up her face in this big grin and squinches her eyes and looks up. It is the most darling thing!!!

Mike is loving being home. And we are loving having him here. Fiona is a totally Daddys girl, and comes running to him when he gets home from work and is his little shaddow for the rest of the night. It is just nice to be a whole family again.

We are getting ready for Meghan's wedding in San Diego. It is going to be one great weekend. Very different to try and pack all three of us for a weekend away - its amazing what one kiddo needs for a few days. Also worrying a bit about the logistics of all of us in one room and her sleeping and napping and such. We'll see though!! I am sure it will all work out and we'll all have a huge blast!!

But that is pretty much it for all of us here. We'll get to see a lot of you next weekend. And we'll try and get some pics up for you to see soon!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Hi everyone,

Again, I am way behind. I am also having some issues with the computer and my picture and video files - and well if there are no pictures, its a bummer for me to post...

No excuses though...Here are some pics for you to enjoy: